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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Ellen Page: finally a young lesbian inspiration

Ellen Page's coming out marks a whole new turning point for young lesbians and their visibility in society, says Rhiannon Williams

Ellen Page may be one of the most talented young actresses around, but all eyes were on her for a different reason entirely last week when she gave an impassioned speech at a conference hosted by the Human Rights Campaign.

Visibly emotional, she told the crowd, who had gathered to hear her speak on teenage homosexuality that "loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves".

Taking a deep breath, she continued: "I am here today because I am gay." There was a moment of silence before the auditorium swelled with cheers and whoops, applauding her.

Her voice trembling, Page added: "Because maybe I can make a difference, to help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility. I also do it selfishly because I'm tired of hiding, and I'm tired of lying by omission.

"My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered," she said. "And I'm standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain."

It was a speech worthy of an Oscar winner, which Page almost was back in 2007 for Juno, in which she played a pregnant teen. Last year I wrote about how few young lesbians were out and proud, and how few identifiable role models there were for girls who may feel alienated, shunned, or simply unable to talk about their true sexuality. Now, 26-year-old Page is exposing the most intimate details of her life up for public consumption in the hope it may help others. But does she really shoulder the heavy burden of social responsibility to do so?

Tania Douglas thinks she does. After coming out to her friends and family around four years ago, 25-year-old Tania said she was inspired by Ellen's speech.

"It'll be interesting to see how it affects her roles in the future, now that she's out," she says. "There's been rumours around her for years, but it's pretty ridiculous she felt she had to wait this long to say it. She should have been able to say it years ago without fear, but society just hasn't caught up yet."

Douglas is right. Hollywood's other most famous Ellen, DeGeneres, came out with a memorable Time Magazine cover emblazoned "Yep, I'm Gay". It was a bold, and declarative statement, but salacious media interest left her "mired in depression". No, we shouldn't care about celebrity's sexuality, but unfortunately we do. And Page knows our obsession is unlikely to wane any time soon. By not hiding, she is selflessly helping to pave the way for others.

Robyn Exton, chief executive of lesbian dating app Dattch agrees, saying she hopes it will encourage more girls to feel they can stand up for who they are, adding: "This needs to keep happening to the point where it's no longer news."

She said she was delighted to see the young actress come out in such a public way, given that others have been less than forthcoming in the past.

"It was great Ellen was so brave to stand up and come out, especially in the Hollywood industry," she says. "When Jodie Foster came out, she didn't really come out. With Cara Delevingne, we all know she's seeing a girl (US actress Michelle Rodriguez) but nothing's really been confirmed, whereas Ellen made it very clear. She is young, and relatable to a lot of young girls and that's very important."

Page does have a touching vulnerability to her, a youthful sweetness that years in Hollywood has yet to tarnish. But with great power comes greater responsibility, argues Douglas.

"As a celebrity, she's right when she says she has a social responsibility. Of course everyone's entitled to some privacy, but to a certain extent you waive that right when you're in the public eye. Your sexuality is important and she shouldn't feel ashamed of it. No one should."

Ellen Page has, in her own way, made life that little bit easier for thousands of young women, and men, all over the world. And if that's not worthy of applause, I don't know what is.


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